Road to Resilience: Memories that Move Us Forward
If you could draw a picture of your person who died, what would it look like? What do you miss about them? If you could talk to them, what would you say? What do you wish they knew about who you are now?
Road to Resilience: Memories that Move Us Forward from StoryCorps, in partnership with the New York Life Foundation, leverages the power of stories and storytelling to help children cope with the death of a parent, sibling, or loved one.
Through this project, we partner with bereavement support organizations to provide opportunities for children and their families to preserve memories of their loved ones, share their grief journeys, or simply to record themselves as they are.
In 2019, we launched StoryCorps DIY: Road to Resilience, an online course for organizations serving children and families in grief. This course includes special resources on how to adopt our interview model for children and families who are grieving, including age-appropriate Great Questions lists, kid-friendly animations and audio clips, discussion guides, and ideas for engaging communities in topics related to children’s grief. You can register at diy.storycorps.org.
Featured Stories About Grief
Jinna Small, Brianna Ketter, and Meghan Szafran
Bo’s Place (Houston, TX)
The Center for Grieving Children (Philadelphia, PA)
The Tristesse Grief Center (Tulsa, OK)
A Caring Hand (NYC, NY)
The Dougy Center (Portland, OR)
Hosparus Health (Louisville, KY)
Michael’s Place (Traverse City, MI)
Roberta’s House (Baltimore, MD)
This project is for organizations that work with bereaved children and families.
For more information on how to become a partner:
Community Training
[email protected]
If you have any additional questions about the work that we do or about partnering, you can always reach us through our Help Center or email us at contactus@storycorps.
Support for Road to Resilience

This project is supported by a generous grant from the New York Life Foundation.