American Pathways
Launched in 2020, American Pathways is an initiative to record, preserve, and share the stories and experiences of refugees, asylees, immigrants, and Muslims living in the United States.
Stories recorded as part of American Pathways will be preserved at the Library of Congress in StoryCorps’ Tapestry of Voices Collection and Anwar Collection of Muslim Voices. Learn more in our program announcement.
If you have any additional questions about the work that we do or about partnering, you can always reach us through our Help Center.
Featured Stories from our Archive
To hear more interviews recorded through American Pathways, please visit the StoryCorps Online Archive.
Featured Video: American Pathways Closing Event
For two years, StoryCorps traveled virtually and in person across our nation to listen to, highlight, and connect with untold stories of Muslims, refugees, asylees, and Dreamers. To honor the sunsetting of this initiative, StoryCorps hosted an online event featuring a curated collection of recorded content. We invite you to watch a recording of the event.
Partners & Advisory Council
Islamic Speakers Bureau
Silk Road Rising
Catholic Charities Of Northeast Kansas
Church World Service of Lancaster
Church World Services of Harrisonburg
Diocesan Foreign Missionary Society
Filipino American National Historical Society
The Heritage Center Of Lancaster County
Islamic Speakers Bureau Atlanta
Refugee Congress
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center
U.S. Together
Arab American National Museum
Council on American-Islamic Relations of Oklahoma
First Universalist Church Of Minneapolis
Integrated Refugee And Immigrant Services
Masjid Al Mumineen
Muslim American Leadership Alliance
Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative
New American Pathways
Revolutionary Historians Organization
Dream of Detroit
Advisory Council
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation’s Building Bridges Program
Rethink Media
Refugee Congress
MPower Change
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
Huddled Masses/Islamic Society of the Midwest
Islamic Relief USA
Refugee Council USA
Council on American-Islamic Relations
Support For American Pathways
American Pathways is made possible by the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art and an Anonymous Foundation. Additional support is provided by the Stuart Family Foundation.