We’re Building an Audio Archive of stories about the impact of abortion bans on people across the country.
Resistance and Resilience: Voices of Abortion Bans in America is a new partnership with StoryCorps, dedicated to recording and uplifting stories of courage, impact, and truth, as told in conversations between abortion seekers, patients, healthcare providers, advocates, and the people who love them. You’re invited to share your perspective.
StoryCorps is a national nonprofit that helps everyday Americans record, preserve, and share their stories. Since 2003, StoryCorps has given over half a million Americans the chance to record interviews about their lives. The organization preserves the recordings in its archive at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress.
If you have been affected by abortion bans or restrictions, we invite you to choose someone you care about and interview each other about your experience.
We’ve developed a list of questions to inspire your conversation including:
How have your state’s abortion laws affected you personally?
What does it mean to have full access to reproductive healthcare?
What do you wish people knew about your experience?
What do we lose when we ban abortion?
Listen to an edited story from a StoryCorps conversation
There’s no “right” or “wrong” way to have a StoryCorps conversation, and you can use the free StoryCorps Connect online platform to record in the comfort of your own home. All you need is a strong internet connection, access to a laptop or desktop computer with a microphone, and an open heart.
Anyone who has been affected by abortion bans including patients, healthcare providers, advocates, and the people who love them. The goal is to create an archive representing the full breadth of experiences people are facing in this new era. Your stories, and the stories of your loved ones, are an important piece.
Choose someone you care about – a loved one, a friend, a mentor, a neighbor, etc – whose experiences or wisdom you want to document.
StoryCorps conversations are meant to be spontaneous, authentic, and unscripted. We’ve developed a list of great questions to inspire your conversation, but ultimately what you talk about during your recording is entirely up to you. Follow your curiosity and speak from the heart.
When you complete your interview, it will automatically be saved in the StoryCorps archive as part of a special collection. You’ll have the ability to control the privacy settings for your interview in the archive – with the option to either make your interview public, or to make it accessible only to other StoryCorps online archive users. (You can also delete recordings, and record new interviews, if you need to.) You can adjust your privacy settings at any time.