David Carles (DC) and Mark Carles (MC)
DC: When we first found out, the doctor said, “He has two to three months left.” And I know you love your brother but there’s nothing we can do.” And I just remember, the whole room went black.
MC: Since being diagnosed, I had a massive surgery. 16 hours. 17 pints of blood.
DC: Mm-hm.
MC: And, um, we didn’t know I was gonna live.
DC: But then you woke up. And the only way for you to communicate was through sign language.
MC: Yeah.
DC: The first thing that you signed was my name, which was tough but it meant everything to me.
MC: Thank goodness you taught it to me.
DC: Yeah.
MC: I write down now, all the time, “If I was gonna die tomorrow, what am I gonna do today?” And, um, I’d want to spend as much time with you as possible.
DC: I’m trying to milk out every ounce of Mark that I can.
MC: You’re stockpiling.
DC: Yeah. You know, I’ve been on multiple dates in the last year. And in my Tinder profile, it says, ”Down for a good time and my brother is my sidekick and he will also come out on the dates as well.”
I say you make the date ten times better and you also pay sometimes too, where you…
MC: Yeah. I’m a good date.
DC: You are a very good date.
MC: But they must think you’re real strange.
DC: I’ve got a few different messages that said, “Hey, is your brother in on it too?” Maybe they think that it’s like a package deal.
MC: Well, it is a package deal. But it’s a different, different kind of package.
DC: Right. Exactly. A different kind of package. Yeah.
MC: [Laughs.]
DC: Some understand and, and some don’t and you know, the ones that don’t, there is no second date.
Every day I wish, you know, we can reverse and, and switch roles. But there’s absolutely nothing I can do and it eats at me every single day.
MC: I have to carry the cancer but you have to carry me.
DC: Yeah. We don’t know how much time we have left together. But I’m very happy with the twenty plus years we’ve had of being brothers.
MC: We’re in this together.
DC: We are, no matter what.
DC: My brother, Mark passed away two days after my 29th birthday. He held on until my birthday. That’s how much he loved me.
Some of the things that Mark had to go through are unimaginable but despite all that, he turned three months into forty months. Mark kept on going. So I will keep going for Mark.