Together, we help each other believe in our shared humanity. Through our weekly broadcasts on public radio and the stories we share 24/7 online and on social media, people can listen to one-on-one conversations that affirm how much more alike we are than the media would have us believe. Your support helps us connect with each other at a time we need it most. Here’s why:
StoryCorps connects us.
As the world becomes more virtual and we feel increasingly disconnected from each other, StoryCorps is the antidote: our stories document everyday encounters that highlight diverse voices, offer wisdom, and evoke a wide array of emotions, including inspiration, joy, nostalgia, and heartache.

Sharing personal stories can change you. So can listening to them.
When we share personal stories we are opening up a window to who we are. It’s an act that connects us to others and helps us discover more about ourselves. Listening to others’ stories is equally transformative. Research shows that when people hear a story they can emotionally connect with, their brain activity synchronizes with the storyteller’s brain activity, creating a shared experience and increased empathy.
StoryCorps is about more than stories.
StoryCorps stories make us pause and often they make us feel something. They also push us to think about how we’re living our own lives and what we want to leave behind. StoryCorps helps us believe in ourselves and each other as our individual experiences illuminate larger truths about humanity.
Please consider making a tax-deductible gift by December 31, 2023. Your gift will be matched by two generous donors and have triple the impact, ensuring that StoryCorps can take its mission to illuminate the humanity and possibility in us all into 2024 and beyond.