Bob Chase Sr. (BCS) and Bob Chase Jr. (BCJ)
BCJ: When you think about your kids, what makes you happy? What makes you sad?
BCS: Well, I can tell you. One of the greatest failings in my life involved you. Constantly in my mind is the fact that I mistreated you over a very stupid incident that occurred when you were young. We lived in Levittown and I’m sure you know the incident of your not wearing a raincoat to going to a guitar lesson. And, uh, I was for some reason incensed and I beat you. And, uh, that um incident has stayed with me for the rest of my life.
BCJ: You know that of course I remember that incident. But I wish you wouldn’t think of that constantly. Because when I think of all the good that you did for me, that just so pales in terms of everything else.
BCS: I know it happened 50 years ago but – the memory – I can’t erase it. It’s still there, still present in my mind.
BCJ: I’ve said – and maybe I’ve never said it to you – but I’ve said this to many people: If I am good in what I do, no one in the world deserves more credit than you.
BCS: That means – that means a great deal. And I know that – I really do. I understand that.
BCJ: I’m glad you do. Because it’s true.