Angie Kardashian (AK)
AK: I owned an Italian restaurant in California. And when 9/11 happened, I watched so many people that went into those buildings and that was it, that was the end of their lives and I wanted to give back so I decided that I would sell my restaurant to come to New York to cook for firemen. I stayed with a cousin who lives on the Upper West Side and I said to her, ”Where’s the closest fire house?”
And she said, ”Down the street and around the corner.” So I went and knocked on the door and I said, ”I know you think I’m crazy but, I want to cook for you.”
And I showed them my menu and I gave them my business card and I guessed they believed me. And so I went into firehouses throughout all five boroughs and I cooked right in the firehouses. The first firehouse was just six guys so it was very intimate and very sweet. And then other firehouses, I cooked the food, we had coffee, we had dessert, they told me stories about all of the things up on their walls and I would say to them, ”Okay, where should I go next.”
And somebody would always pipe up and go, ”You know, Engine 53–call them and ask for Joe.” So the next day I’d get on the phone and I’d call them and they would refer me to the next one, to the next one, to the next one. And basically I thought, ”I’m going to cook for as many firehouses as I can in six months.” Well, I stayed two years. And, you know, people always ask me, ”Are you sorry you sold your restaurant?” And I say, ”Not for a minute. Not for one minute.”