Recording an interview is one of the most meaningful ways you can spend time with someone and demonstrate your love and affection. At the end of the interview, you’ll have a recording you can revisit again and again and pass down to future generations; it’s a gift that lasts a lifetime. 

Give a StoryCorps interview coupon as a gift to a loved one this Valentine’s Day!

Here’s how it works:

  • Choose how you want to record. The StoryCorps App is great for in-person recording.  You can also use StoryCorps Connect, a virtual platform that enables you to record a StoryCorps interview remotely using video conferencing technology.
  • Let the conversation flow! When you’re ready to conduct the gift of an interview, find a comfortable, quiet place; let your curiosity be your guide; and keep in mind one of our favorite StoryCorps expressions: Listening is an act of love.


Read through our Great Questions for ideas for your conversation. When you’re ready to record your interview, you can either download the free StoryCorps App to your smartphone or record remotely through your web browser with StoryCorps Connect. There are resources for both platforms on our website: