Meliza Arellano (MA): You started taking me outside. And you would tutor me. And, that kinda made me mad. [Laughs]
Cause like, I kinda didn’t like you at first.
Sarah Benko (SB): Oh I remember.
MA: And you told me that I was like, really below my grade level.
SB: You were.
MA: In my old school, I never went to class. I didn’t want to be there. Like basically, none of the teachers ever said anything to me. Like, you need to stay after school in order for you to do better in this. So I guess I kinda rejected you cause nobody ever helped me before. It felt really weird. But there was a point where I finally got a good grade and I realized that you were actually doing me good.
SB: And now you’re in the honors class.
MA: Yes I am. And you were actually the one that made me realize that I liked reading. I used to just look at the back blurb and like, basically write almost everything that is said. And like, put it in my own words and turn it in.
SB: How many books did you read last year, do you think?
MA: I lost count. [Laughs] It was a lot. I was actually inspired by the fact that you helped me a lot. And, so I want to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher when I grow up.
SB: You have a smooth face, you better get ready for some wrinkles.
[MA laughs]
Don’t worry too much if the kids like you or not.
MA: Yeah.
SB: If you trust your self, that you want the best for them, don’t worry if they see it right in that moment.